If you are stuck in a place where you cannot buy a dildo, but your desires are forcing you to use something similar to a penis in the vagina. In that situation, some household items females tend to use to fulfil desires for the moment. However, before using any household item, you must be well aware of hygiene and genital health.

Household items can be used as dildo sex toys:

When a female feels highly aroused, she wants any of the penis similar to objects in her vagina to feel that sensation and ultimately orgasm. Some of the household items used as sex toys are mentioned below.


The spoon of fibre or wood has a smooth handle that is insertable in the vagina. So females tend to use the spoons in their vagina to get the satisfaction and temporary pleasure.

Electric Toothbrush:

Anything that vibrates perfectly gives the feeling of pleasure to females. Electric Toothbrush is one of those household items that females love to use in their genitals. An electric toothbrush creates vibrations, so females put it in the clitoris to feel the tickling. Besides it, sometimes females insert the toothbrush in the vagina to feel the high vibes and orgasm.

Hair Brush:

The fibre hair brushes that appear to be a perfect combination of softness and hardness are used widely as sex toys by females. The long handle of hair brushes like a penis attracts the females to use it as a sex toy to feel the peak of pleasure and attain sexual satisfaction.


Cucumbers and other similarly shaped fruits like bananas, carrots, and others are pretty popular to denote the penis of a male. The shapes of these fruits are almost like a penis, so females pay attention to these fruits. They love to insert the cucumber into the vagina to feel like it's penis. So, these fruits are also those household things that are used in the absence of sex toys.

Electric Exfoliator:

The part of the exfoliator that vibrates at a particular frequency is also used as a sex toy by females. They feel pleasure by putting it above their clitoris. Sometimes they put it on the opening of the vagina to feel high arousal and attain sexual pleasures.

Side Effects of Using Household Items as Sex Toys

  1. These household items are not designed for sexual pleasure, so they don't fit in the vagina like sex toys, and sometimes they cause cuts and wounds inside the vagina.
  2. There are high chances of being infected by any disease because of using unhygienic items inside the sensitive parts of your body. Do not ever use any item inside your vagina without sanitizing it.
  3. It's also possible that even after using these items, you don't feel the orgasm you wanted because they do not have the perfect shape of sex toys.
  4. The electric items can expose your vagina to radiation unsuitable for your health.

Why are Realistic Dildos Best Options?

As we have explained some disadvantages of using household items in the vagina, you should avoid these kinds of things. It's better to know the suitable sex toys for attaining sexual pleasure and maintaining sexual health.

Some of the realistic dildos that will suit your desires and will not harm your sexual health are mentioned below.

Pink head realistic dildo

What better option than the dildo, which would look precisely like a penis? The pink flesh appearance of a dildo with nerves gives the perfect feel of a natural penis. The pink head realistic dildo is the ideal sex toy to feel the sensation of pleasure in your high time.

Double penetration dildo along with vibrator

When you want to feel pleasure in your vagina and clitoris simultaneously, then you should go for the double-penetration dildo. It will create the vibrations above the clitoris and insert into the vagina at the exact moment.

Curved silicone dildo

Like the natural penis, the curved silicone dildo is a bit curved. The curved top of the dildo inserts into the vagina and arouses the female to the most. It's also a safe sex toy that you can use to satisfy your high nights.

Soft jelly dildo

The sex toy with a soft jelly-like texture will arouse you more and satisfy you. If you are seeking a sex toy with a very soft, smooth texture, then it's the best dildo for experiencing.

Rotating dildo

Females love to feel rotations in the vagina, so if you have the same desire, then a rotating dildo is the best option for you. The way it will rotate in your vagina is the desire and high experience you want to feel.

G spot vibrator

The cushion-like g spot below the clitoris is the spot that plays a high role in attaining orgasm. So, the G spot vibrator suits your desires when you want a perfect massage in your G spot. It will give you the ideal feeling of pleasure and orgasm you wish for.


We have shared the information about the realistic dildos in this blog. In a nutshell, you should be aware of your sexual health while experiencing pleasure. Any random item in your vagina is unsafe, so avoid using household things for masturbating. The realistic dildos are specifically designed to make you feel joy and orgasm, so go for any of the dildos that suit your desires. Have fun, but do not harm your health.